Lea, Téwa, Lance, Emry, Noah, Jesse

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I know I really need to post some pictures but I've got to take baby steps!  Conference weekend was great!  The girls and I went to the Miss Outstanding teen pageant to support McKenna and Jessica.  It was a cute pageant with so many bright, talented girls.  The guys went to Priesthood, Noah and Lance to Lance's new student ward at UVU and Jesse actually went with one of his former companions to the conference center.  Later that night, around 1:00 am, Emry woke up and threw up in her bed!!!  It was one of the most loving things I have ever done as I washed and cleaned up the mess.  (Lance helped too) Having the family together today was wonderful and we had a yummy dinner complete with crispy cream donuts!  (One is never enough!)  Noah left to SLC and we all cozied up for the afternoon session.  Great weekend with the family, hearing the wisdom and counsel from our leaders and eating until we can't move! 

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